• New Book Announcement!

    I’m back with big news for you all! I took a break from blogging for a while to focus on writing. I thought to myself, I could write about writing, or I could actually write the book. And actually writing the book seemed like a better use of my time. I’m very pleased to say…

  • Summer Thoughts

    I bet you all had guessed that I had given up blogging for good this time…well, here I am! Blogging again! I think what happens sometimes is that I think to myself, I could write a blog post, or I could actually write my books. And then often blogging loses, because I really do love…

  • Somewhat Unreal

    Somewhat Unreal is officially out! I’m feeling a little somewhat unreal myself. I can’t believe I now have three full length novels and one novella published. It’s a little surreal sometimes. I always wanted to be an author and here I am authoring. I wish I could go back in time and show Little Kid…

  • Launch Date

    Great news, everyone! Somewhat Unreal is available now for preorder on Amazon and will be officially released on May 14th! This Bookland sequel dives into Ava’s story. Bookland’s perfect couple is not as perfect as they seem. And they aren’t the only ones keeping secrets. If you enjoyed Somewhat Alive, you won’t want to miss…

  • Coming Somewhat Soon

    It’s been a while since I’ve written here but for a very good reason! I’m pleased to announce that Somewhat Unreal will be making its debut this month! I’ll be announcing the exact release date shortly, but for now, know that it’s coming in mid-May and it’s going to be fabulous. I can’t wait for…

  • Coffee and Cupcakes

    It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all that I cannot in good conscience recommend Starbucks Oleato Latte. It may not be the grossest coffee I’ve ever had, but it’s definitely in the running. I wanted to like it. I really did. It just kind of tasted like someone dumped some…

  • Cats and Hotels

    I’m very pleased to announce today that Somewhat Unreal is currently in editing and will be ready for public consumption shortly! It will likely come to Kindle Vella first, followed by the ebook and paperback being released thirty days later. I don’t have exact dates for that yet, but progress is being made swiftly. If…

  • Too Cold

    We spent last week in Nashville, which was not good. Our visit happened to coincide with a winter storm and arctic blast and record lows and all that fun stuff. It’s an interesting fact that I’ve never actually driven in snow before. I got my driver’s license in Florida and then snowy driving just never…

  • 2024

    2024 is here. I’ve been amused so far this year by how many companies seem to feel the need to make Your Year Recap things for all their customers. After all, if people will share their Spotify Wrapped, they will probably share anything. You can now share how many donuts you ate last year and…

  • Ancient Honey

    Good news—I’ve decided to participate in Stuff Your Kindle Day. So today, head over to Amazon and claim a free copy of my books, Somewhat Alive and The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore. Remember, you regret 100% of the free books you don’t download. It’s been a busy season over here. Christmas has come and…

  • Characters

    It’s been a busy season lately. Lots to do with holidays and the semester ending and so on. I’m pleased to say that my Christmas tree is up and Christmas shopping is nearly done. I could probably be finishing it right now, but instead, here I am writing another post. We recently got a new…

  • Return of the Beeping

    I know all my readers are deeply invested in the saga of my smoke detectors. The other night, the smoke detector right outside my bedroom started beeping again at two in the morning. And that wouldn’t be so bad except that we had changed the batteries a few weeks ago when it woke us up…

  • Alternate Timelines

    We watched the first episode of the second season of Loki the other day, but I fell asleep, so I’m guessing it wasn’t very engaging. I like Loki, the character, and the first season was okay, but I don’t know. I guess it all comes back to my distaste for alternate timelines. You see, if…

  • No Smoke and No Fire

    Well, it was a rough night around here last night. Around five-thirty in the morning, the smoke alarm started beeping every thirty seconds. Then, when we couldn’t change the batteries fast enough, it escalated to a robot voice commanding us to change the batteries immediately. Does anyone know why the smoke alarm batteries never run…

  • October

    Well, October is here! The nice thing about October is that you can finally do Halloween things without having the slight suspicion that it’s too soon. I’m planning to put up some Halloween/fall decor items later today if morale stays high. We shall see. Fat Bear Week starts tomorrow, so if you haven’t already, go…

  • Pac-Man

    I recently had the misfortune of having both of my sons scheduled to go to the orthodontist at 3:45 pm. Perhaps, like me when I scheduled the appointments, you’re wondering what is so bad about that. It’s obvious if you think about it. You see, 3:45 is late enough in the afternoon that every school…

  • Soulmates

    I’ve been reading a lot of books lately that happen to use soulmates as a plot device. And quite frankly, I’m getting tired of it. I have no issue with the idea of soulmates, the notion that there’s one person out there whose soul is a perfect match for your own. And I don’t even…

  • Cats and Hair

    You see, when the cat wants to sit on you, you have to stay seated until the cat wants to get up. This is rule number two in cat ownership. (Rule number one involves an incredible amount of food and a timely feeding schedule.) I feel like if the world generally understood rule number two,…

  • Idalia

    We moved to Florida when I was fifteen years old. I’ve always been the daydreamy, romantic type, so when the first hurricane was forecasted for our area, I was mostly intrigued, and when school was canceled, I felt downright excited. One of my greatest and most terrible talents is my ability to outsleep everyone, but…

  • Twelve Days

    It’s been brought to my attention that my fans are missing my blog posts, so here you go! This one is for you! First, if you are keeping track, it’s only twelve days till Lord of the Rings Day! In case you don’t know, Lord of the Rings Day is a holiday that I made…