I’m very pleased to announce today that Somewhat Unreal is currently in editing and will be ready for public consumption shortly! It will likely come to Kindle Vella first, followed by the ebook and paperback being released thirty days later. I don’t have exact dates for that yet, but progress is being made swiftly.

If you want to know the secret to my success, I will tell you. We recently adopted a second cat! It just makes sense, you know. Writers need cats. If you have more cat, it stands to reason you would also get more writing done.

Our new cat is a bit on the smaller side, but I think given time and proper feeding, she has a lot of potential. We now have two brown tabby cats. I know tabbies are sometimes considered plain and too common, but I believe tabbies to have the absolute best personalities. Plus, they are adorable with all the stripes and the cute eyes. Our old cat has green eyes, but the new cat has more yellowish eyes. Both are good!

The new cat had some health issues when we first got her and the vet said we needed to give her a pill, which is not as easy as it sounds. Our old cat will eat pills if placed in with her dry food, no questions asked. But our new cat is kind of picky and seems to not really care that much about food one way or the other, so that method doesn’t work for her. (Some questions asked.)

But I watched a YouTube video on how to pill a cat and then, I did it! I opened her mouth, my husband stuck the pill in, and we closed her mouth and she swallowed it! And no one lost any fingers! It was a proud moment in our household. We didn’t even have to wrap her up in a towel like a burrito!

If you ever have to try to pill a cat, it’s not too hard, but it is a two-person job, I’d say. I feel like there’s a joke somewhere there…how many humans does it take to pill a cat? Maybe the punchline will come to me later.

Last night, they had the Super Bowl and I’m pleased to say that I neither watched nor cared. I just hope both teams had fun. And really, why shouldn’t both teams get to go to Disneyland afterward? Or maybe the losers could go to Universal Hollywood!

Not that Universal is the loser park or anything. I’m actually really excited about Epic Universe coming to Universal Orlando. It kind of makes me think I should get my Universal pass back now. I wouldn’t mind a nice trip to Diagon Alley right about now. I’d sip some frozen butterbeer and wear my wizard robes (Ravenclaw, of course). It’d be very magical.

I love how Universal offers value hotels with family suites. For the money, you really can’t beat Endless Summer. Lately, I’ve been perplexed at how some hotels don’t seem to cater to different demographics of traveling companions. If I’m traveling with my husband and two sons, our needs are quite different from what I’d want if I was traveling just with my husband or if I was traveling with a friend and so on.

Why aren’t there more options for room configurations? Technically, the two queen beds can work for four people, but usually, it’s not very comfortable. In fact, it’s hard to come up with a scenario in which two queen beds would be the most desirable arrangement, and yet that’s often the default.

Maybe it should be more like cruises, where you can specify if you want the beds together or separate. And don’t even get me started on sliding barn doors on hotel bathrooms. It’s such a poorly thought-out design unless you’re traveling only with people you feel very comfortable with.

If you are reading this and you are a hotel, please note my above thoughts. If you are not a hotel, feel free to disregard.

And don’t forget—Somewhat Unreal will be coming out soon!

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