I bet you all had guessed that I had given up blogging for good this time…well, here I am! Blogging again! I think what happens sometimes is that I think to myself, I could write a blog post, or I could actually write my books. And then often blogging loses, because I really do love writing my books.
Also, it’s summer! Summer is never quite as productive as most of the rest of the year (excluding Christmas, which is its own little whirlwind of jolliness that takes over real life). Summer is an interesting mix of busier and slower. There’s a more relaxing pace to it, but it’s also so full of special events—camps, vacations, etc.
We went on a little mini-vacation last week while the kids were at camp. It was super fun, although you’ll be surprised to hear that Disney World in July is not exactly cold. In fact, it was hot. Actually, it was so hot, it made the phrase “Hotter than Animal Kingdom in July” feel like an understatement.
If you’re a fellow Floridian, remember—winter is coming.
I love Florida winters. While the rest of the country is freezingly miserable, scraping ice and snow off their cars, we’re down here having a lovely time.
Usually, the heat doesn’t bother me, but it does get a bit old when there is a heat advisory every single day.
I’m working hard on my next book, the title of which has not been officially announced. As a matter of fact, I don’t believe I’ve announced much about this book at all. I probably need to do that, because I know you’ll all be wondering what it is.
One little snag I ran into with it is that I found out my working title is already a mildly popular band name. It’s not a huge deal, but I always prefer to not name things the same name as other things that already exist, if I’m clever enough to figure it out in advance, which I’m not always.
But it’s awfully hard to officially announce your next book when the title is still to be determined. But I am over halfway done with drafting it, which is pretty good. I’m hoping to get it released in 2024, which definitely can’t happen if I write too long of a blog post, so I think I’ll sign off here.
Stay cool, everybody.
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