Great news, everyone! Somewhat Unreal is available now for preorder on Amazon and will be officially released on May 14th! This Bookland sequel dives into Ava’s story. Bookland’s perfect couple is not as perfect as they seem. And they aren’t the only ones keeping secrets. If you enjoyed Somewhat Alive, you won’t want to miss this one!

This is my first time trying out the preorder option, so we’ll see how it goes. If you’re interested in the book, now is the best time to order a copy. The price will be going up once it’s officially out. It will also be included with Kindle Unlimited, so if you subscribe to that, you’ll be all set.

As exciting as my book launch is, it’s not the only thing exciting around here—I’m pleased to announce that it is officially ducky season! My neighborhood is home to tons of ducks and this time of year, my yard fills up with the most adorable little duckies you can imagine.

Yellow ones, black ones, all fuzzy and cute waddle around through my yard, on their way to the pond or wherever duckies go. The mothers waddle proudly and the little ones are always full of enthusiasm.

It’s also good fun for my cats, who enjoy watching the duckies from the window. They know they could catch and eat all the duckies, if only they didn’t have the glass separating them. It’s fun to watch the cats’ tails get all twitchy and their eyes get large as they prepare to pounce.

Of course, it does them no good, because the cats are indoor cats and the duckies are outdoor duckies, so the two never meet. But I figure it’s good for the cats anyway. Like a fun television program. It’s sort of like a version of Food Network but for cats!

Our little cat, Sushi, enjoys watching human television, too. I think it confuses her a little, though, because when she sees a bird or something she might like to eat, she goes around behind the TV, trying to figure out where it is. She hears it and she sees it, and yet, it eludes her. She also has a habit of standing up on her hind legs and balancing, like a meerkat. It’s adorable.

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