Perhaps you’ve been thinking to yourself…hmm, no new Kate Lexie blog for several weeks now. I bet she’s completely out of thoughts!

If so, you might be right! That happens sometimes. I prefer to only give you my highest-quality thoughts, so if it happens that I’ve run out of high-quality thoughts, sometimes I have to give it a few weeks. Otherwise, you’d run the risk of getting my mediocre thoughts, and I won’t subject my favorite readers to those!

I received the latest Brandon Sanderson merch box in the mail this week. It was probably the best one yet! I won’t spoil it, in case you are still waiting on it, but I liked how some of the items had such practical uses. I like fandom things that I can actually use rather than collectibles that just sit around my house collectibling dust.

The weather has been incredibly hot lately. I usually don’t mind the heat, but it’s been excessive. Literally. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and had to recover for hours in the air conditioning. I’ve always thought that as long as you tell yourself that it’s pleasantly hot and not miserably hot, then it’s not too bad, but apparently, I was mistaken.

In writing news, Somewhat Unreal is swiftly approaching the halfway mark of being done! You know what they say—the first half is the hardest. (I actually don’t know if they say that or not, but it could be true. Or false.)

I’ve discovered these fun immersive writing YouTube videos from Abbie Emmons that are split up into Pomodoro sessions, writing for twenty-five minutes, with a five minutes break. I’ve never been a big fan of that method of working, because it always feels like getting started is the hard part and once you are started, it’s a shame to take a five-minute break, but the videos seem very well done and definitely make it easier to focus and be productive which is fabulous. (Abbie Emmons, if you happen to be reading this—thank you!)

I’ve been drinking a lot of peppermint tea lately. (Hopefully, we’re not scraping the bottom of the Thoughts Barrel here.) I like it with honey and just a dash of oat milk. At first, I thought maybe it’d be weird, but I actually really like it. I’ve quit coffee, you know. I mostly don’t miss it, except for when I really do. But I’ve found that if you get enough sleep regularly and don’t rely on coffee as your sole source of energy, you generally feel better.

Sometimes I just miss the feel of the coffee cup in my hands, though, and when that mood strikes me, a nice herbal tea is just the thing. In fact, if you have any tea recommendations, do let me know! Maybe I’ll try it and write here how it was next time I have any Thoughts.

Stay cool, everyone!

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