I just got back from a fun-filled long weekend in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It’s a really pretty island. We stayed at Hotel El Convento, which was mostly awesome, although at times weirdly inconsistent. For instance, our bathroom rug mysteriously disappeared halfway through our stay. Why? I don’t know. But I missed it. It was white and soft and fuzzy and felt good to stand on.

We discovered the magic of the mallorca, which is sort of like a sweet doughy sandwich covered in powdered sugar. We ordered several over the course of the trip, but our favorite was from St. Germain Bistro & Cafe. We wanted to go back there again, but there were only open for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday so that marvelous mallorca lives on only in our memory.

One thing that’s fun about San Juan is all of the cats. I like to see different cats because they have so many different coat types and colors and patterns. Of course, my cat is probably the best cat, but still. Lots of other good ones, too. It was sort of like how I imagine it would be going on an African safari because as you walk through town, you have to be ready to snap the picture of any cat you may encounter. I took a lot of pictures. Maybe it was actually more like Pokemon. You gotta catch them all!

Also, I hear that for a small fee, you can get any cat you liked shipped home to your house from San Juan! We didn’t go for it, although several cats were friendly enough to be tempting, but ultimately we could not, because our cat would probably kill us if we tried to get another cat. She likes to be the only cat. It makes her feel special.

We saw both of the forts, which was nice because the last time we visited, the forts were closed for the day and we missed them. Unfortunately, it was incredibly hot. I’d say it was hotter than Animal Kingdom in July, and if you’ve been to Disney in July, you know that’s getting pretty serious. I almost had to buy myself a snow cone, it was so hot, and I don’t even much like snow cones. Luckily I refrained and powered through and made it back to our air-conditioned hotel room without succumbing to heat stroke. (#brave)

One of my favorite places to go was the rooftop pool at our hotel. I’m not usually much for swimming, and we did not swim, but I love stargazing, especially if you’re high up enough that you sort of feel away from the rest of the world. And as long as you’re not too much in nature so that it doesn’t get on you.

Sometime I’ll tell you all about the time I went to a picnic and a spider crawled into my boot and bit me. (Spoiler alert: it was terrible.)

In terms of writing, I have learned that long weekends in San Juan do not help you finish your book faster. Who knew?

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