The salmon are really running now. I watch the bears on Youtube most days. It’s nice to have it on in the background while I write. Totally not bad for productivity.
Yesterday, 747 (Fat Bear Week Champ from 2022) was eating salmon, but there were so many salmon available, he was just opening up salmon after salmon and only eating the roe. The seagulls were his best friend that day because he had so much leftover fish.
We’re still waiting to see if Otis shows up this year. Otis is one of my favorite bears, but he is getting older, so each summer, it’s a little nerve-wracking to see if he’ll be back or not. I hope he will. He has a lot of fans.
I’ve been studying Spanish lately, and I’ve also started writing a journal every night in Spanish. I’ll refrain from writing these blog posts in Spanish. (You’re welcome.)
I’ve realized I still need to learn the future tenses of Spanish because right now if I want to refer to the future, all I can really do is to be like—Voy a mirar los osos toda los dias!
Long term, it’d be really cool if I knew Spanish well enough to translate my own books, but for now, I’d settle for being able to speak Spanish with Spanish-speaking people well enough to be understood.
I’m working on getting my next newsletter together, so there’s something to look forward to for all you subscribers. I also might have a giveaway in the works, but more on that later.
Somewhat Unreal has made progress in the story, which is great. I’m closing up one story arc and moving the story along to where it needs to go next. I don’t have an actual outline this time, but I have the basic plot in my head. Where it’s safe.
Hope you all are having a great week and if not, I suggest watching the bears on youtube. It probably won’t be worse!
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