It rained a lot last night. Which maybe isn’t a Thoughts-worthy thought, but it was a lot of rain. And it lasted a long time. And it was loud.
I didn’t mind when I was inside. In fact, I thought it kind of worked, in a soothing, atmospheric kind of way. But when I had to go out in it, I got soaked, and my boots got wet and I wasn’t even wearing my rain boots! It all comes from leaving the house.
Long-term, I could definitely see myself becoming a Nero Wolfe type of writer who never leaves the house on business. I just need my books to be profitable enough to hire a full-time assistant, chef, and orchid caretaker. Of course, at the moment, I only have one orchid who is not currently in bloom, so I might could hold off on that for a bit.
By the way, if you haven’t read any Nero Wolfe books, I highly recommend them. Fer-De-Lance is the first in the series. When I started reading them, I began with The Silent Speaker, and that was also an acceptable way to ease into the series. Really, you could start in a lot of different places, but not In the Best Families. That would be a mistake.
The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore is officially out now! It’s been a rough book launch this time around. I probably need to reevaluate my marketing plan before releasing the next book. I have some good ideas and very intriguing plans in the works.
Somewhat Before is nearly ready to go, as soon as I get the cover back from the designers. And Somewhat Unreal is my main focus for writing at the moment.
In personal news, I have made the brave and bold decision to move Beach Friday to Beach Monday. I know the beach is popular with a lot of people. As for me, I don’t really care for it, but I go anyway. (You know who wouldn’t go to the beach? Nero Wolfe!)
I just like to spend my Fridays preparing for the weekend and wrapping up the week’s work and getting the cooking and house in order so we can all have a nice relaxing time of rest.
And it’s not like going to the beach is all that bad. Plenty of people would like to spend one afternoon a week at the beach. And if that’s you and you want to go in my place, just let me know!
But more seriously, the beach should be perfectly fine. As long as it doesn’t rain. I would hate to get my beach boots wet.
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