The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore is launching this Friday! I’m kind of nervous this time. With Somewhat Alive, I didn’t necessarily believe anyone was actually going to read it. Obviously, I felt it was a quality book, or I would not have shared it with the world, but I’d heard stories of books going on Amazon and languishing with no visibility.
I always try to take a more long-term approach with my books and remind myself that I’m building a career here, so it’s okay if it takes it a while to get off the ground. Laying foundations takes time. But when Somewhat Alive did Somewhat Better than I anticipated, it feels like there is a lot more pressure for The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore to do equally well, and if we’re being honest, hopefully even better.
I’m planning on doing a $0.99 launch for The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore instead of a free launch, so that could definitely affect how well it does or doesn’t do. It’s also a different genre, probably a more competitive genre.
I just hope everyone loves it, and also me. That’s not so much to ask, is it?
School continues to drag itself slowly toward summer. It kind of feels like a dramatic race scene in a movie where the runner has broken his leg and can barely stand, but somehow drags himself over the finish line at a snail’s pace while the crowd looks on with bated breath, waiting to see if he actually makes it.
It’s been a long semester, guys.
One thing that’s kind of interesting, perhaps, is that when The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore launches on Friday, I am planning to also run a sale on Somewhat Alive. So if you missed the chance to get it at a reduced rate when it debuted in February, you’ll have another chance!
In personal news, we booked a cruise last night! We usually go on Royal Caribbean or Disney, but this time we’re going to give Holland America a try. I’ve heard it’s good, although they don’t have as much active activities. But mostly we just like the chance to disconnect and shut off our phones and go sailing off toward the horizon with no beds to make or dishes to wash. And you don’t need laser tag or ice skating for that.
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