Big week here for me! I’ve started a new project, which is a prequel to Somewhat Alive. This will be a novella narrated by Charlotte that covers the beginning of the apocalpyse from her point of view. At first, I was worried that a six-year-old protagonist would be weird, but as soon as I started writing it, I knew it was going to be awesome.

Somewhat Before is already over half written, although it still will need to go through editing and my beta readers, and cover design, but I’m expecting it to move pretty quickly due to being so much shorter than a full length novel.

The other exciting news about Somewhat Before is that this will not be available on Amazon for awhile (possibly never) but will instead be exclusive to my website and will be given out as a free gift to anyone who signs up for my newsletter!

And don’t worry, those of you who have already subscribed will be emailed a free copy as well.

In less exciting news, I’m also working on getting my mailing list technology where it needs to be. Managing emails has not been a priority for me thus far, but with one book already released and another coming soon, I figure it’s time to learn how to do it properly.

I’ve been troubleshooting DNS settings, which is one of those things that really shouldn’t be that hard, and yet somehow just is. Is there anyone out there who is actually interested in DNS settings? I try to keep an open mind and to be interested in most things, but DNS settings are a killer. Every time I look at it, I start to consider if I need a nap or a coffee or maybe both all at once.

In less boring news, I finally have the cover finalized for The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore and it’s beautiful! This one took a little longer to nail down, but I’m really happy with how it ended up. I’m working up the nerve to post a cover reveal video on TikTok and Instagram and then I’ll update the website here to reflect the new cover.

Technically, the new cover is already up on Vella, if you really can’t wait to see it and want a sneak peek. I just couldn’t wait to update that one.

I need to nail down an official launch date for Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore. I’m considering doing pre-orders, which I didn’t do for Somewhat Alive, but you know, just cause I didn’t do it with my first book release doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea. I expect it takes several books to really nail down the launch process. Until I’ve tried lots of different things with different variables and controls, who really knows, right?

Alright, I’m definitely feeling that coffee is in my future, so I’m going to go brew a cup now. And order more coffee.

Remember everyone—without coffee, the people perish.

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