Sometimes I wonder if my cat ever gets lonely being the only cat. She’s never seemed very thrilled with any other animals, so probably not. Just…sometimes I think if I lived in a house with four other people of a different species and I was the only human, it might feel weird sometimes. I’d have no one to talk to.
The cat tries so hard to meow at us that it seems like she really wants to communicate. Unfortunately, none of us humans can quite understand meows. Unless it turns out that each meow actually is food related. Sometimes I suspect every meow is in regard to food.
We used to let the cat free-feed, as much as she wanted, but she got so fat she could barely jump onto the couch anymore. It was nice to have a cat who couldn’t get on the counters to lick our dishes, but overall, we felt it’d be better if she was healthier, so we started feeding her at certain times throughout the day and in exacting amounts to result in overall cat health.
I don’t know if she appreciates it though. It’s nice that she can jump and move again, but sometimes she stares at me as though she’d gladly kill me for my veggie burger.
Anyway, I didn’t really come here to talk about my cat. Although she is quite impressive.
Books! We are here to talk about books. I’m still drafting Somewhat Unreal as fast as I can, which to be fair, isn’t all that fast. I need an AI friend to help speed things along, probably.
I’m also still waiting on getting the cover ready for Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore. When preparing to publish Somewhat Alive, I immediately loved the cover from the very first draft that they sent me. This one has been a bit more of a struggle. I want to love it…just I keep thinking it’d really be better if they could make this change or that change. And with each change that I ask for, it takes a few days or weeks to get the revisions done. Which is fine. Totally fine!
I just wish I had the cover ready to go. The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore is still looking good for making its debut in early May, but I’d feel better if I knew the cover would definitely be ready and not cause a delay.
Sometimes I wonder if one really needs to post things on social media. Not to be overly dramatic or anything, but there are days when I feel like if I have to open Instagram or TikTok again, I’ll just go ahead and quit writing altogether.
I won’t really quit writing. I was just being overly dramatic. But I do hate having to post on social media. Writers were never made to be social creatures. We’re supposed to live alone out in nature with our four cats and our typewriter.
I actually hate nature. Sure, it’s pretty, but also it’s messy and it gets all over you. Don’t make me tell you about the California Tick Incident of 1995. It’s been almost thirty years ago, but I’m not over it. Never forget!
Well, it’s now lunch time, so I’m going to go eat my veggie burger before the cat kills me.
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