My cat is like a roaming lion, searching the house to seek that which she may devour. So far this morning, I’ve had to stop her from eating paper, plastic, and wood. And if she manages to circumvent me and eat something that’s not food, then she wins and gets to barf on my rug. Cats are great.

There’s so much to do today. I need to write Somewhat Unreal because it’s a really good idea to get that sequel out there before everyone who liked Somewhat Alive loses interest.

The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore is still on pace to come out next month, which is awesome, although at the moment I’m still waiting on cover design. I enjoy the cover design process, but sometimes it’s hard waiting to see what future revisions and options will look like.

In personal news, it’s laundry day, so that’s pretty exciting.

I also need to make an appointment to get my bass restrung and set up and generally in perfect working condition, which isn’t really that bad, per se, except that I suspect I will have to make a phone call, which fills me with both existential and ordinary dread.

Sometimes I try to think logically and ask myself why phone calls are so awful, because rationally, I can see that it’s probably not as bad as it feels, but no matter how much I try to tell myself that it’s not that bad, it feels like it is exactly that bad, so it’s still hard.

I just wish absolutely everything could be done via text or email. It’s easier.

I’m also starting to work on summer plans pretty hard. We often road trip up to Vermont, which is a long way from Florida by car, so I always try to figure out ways to make it less miserable and more fun. It’s usually not too bad, except for driving back home on the second day when we are all tired and grumpy and just want to be out of the car and safely in our house.

Most people would probably just fly, but there are a lot of reasons why that seems worse to us. Driving is nice because we have our own car, which never leaves us behind if we are late. The drive never gets outright canceled. We never have to deal with annoying passengers, except for our own children, but we’d have to deal with them either way. (If any of my children happen to be reading this—I love you dearly, and you should know that when I refer to annoying passengers, I’m talking about your brother, obviously. Not you!)

I also like being able to stop whenever we need to, if we’re hungry or need coffee, or want to stop for the night. And you get to see some very interesting stuff along the route. You also get to continue straight on I95 for 500 miles with nothing to see but trees, McDonald’s, and gas stations, but that’s beside the point.

Anyway, I’m going to go see what the cat is chewing on. It’s best if she doesn’t win. Not today, cat.

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