I just got some really good news. Something I’ve been hoping for for awhile now. Something that seemed probably too good to be true. But apparently, it wasn’t! Cause it’s happening! I’m a little bit giddy.
So, perhaps you’re wondering what my good news is? Sadly, I cannot tell you. I know. It’s quite the bitter disappointment. But you can be happy for me anyway. And if you know me in real life, I’ve probably already told you.
In worser news—Daylight Savings (#dead). I hate it! I hate it a lot. I don’t care if it gets dark too early or gets bright too late. Just stop changing it.
It just makes me feel so bad. And it happens twice a year. And there’s nothing I can do about it. Although, actually, I’ve heard rumors of two states that don’t do daylight savings time, but personally, I’m not sure they exist.
Remember that old country song, There is No Arizona? I don’t really go for country music, but sometimes country songs can be funny. I also enjoy Merry Christmas From the Family by Montgomery Gentry. It’s awful, but also, when I hear it around Christmas time, it soothes me, because no matter how far behind I am, at least no one is drunk or plugging their motorhome in at my house.
Anyway, in honor of Daylight Savings, I’ve composed a beautiful poem about it. I hope it speaks to you.
Societal Betrayal
Foggy mind
Bleary eyes
Nothing seems
To feel alright
This overwhelming
Lack of wellness
Leaves me feeling bad
Day is night
Night is day
We all pretend
To be okay
This neverending
Pointless suff’ring
Kind of makes me mad
Here’s the cause
Of my angst:
Spring ahead
No way, no thanks
If they’d quit forcing
Us to change time
It’d make me really glad
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