Well, it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted on here. I’ve been going all in on trying to get Somewhat Alive published as quickly as possible. I kept having a weird font issue with Scrivener where my spacing between letters was just…bad. I was trying to pretend like it was fine, even though I could see perfectly clearly that it was not.
I really wanted to love Scrivener. And I do love some things about it. But as far as a formatting software goes, it’s not the easiest to use. I couldn’t figure out how to fix the font issue. I tried for weeks to figure it out. I’ve literally compiled over sixty versions of the book, just trying to see what works.
In the end, I came to an inescapable conclusion—nothing works. So I bought Atticus. So far, I’m mostly pleased with it. I certainly was able to get my manuscript formatted much faster, and I think it looks better. For the most part.
I also decided to go with a smaller book size and switched from 5.25 x 8 to 5 x 8. I think it’ll be nicer. We’ll see.
I’ve been playing Dreamlight Valley, which is really nice. I love games where everything is pleasant and I get to collect new outfits and decorate my house and make friends with the locals. I actually have a pretty killer video game idea—Bear Valley! It’ll be similar to Stardew Valley and Dreamlight Valley, but instead of townspeople and Disney characters, you’ll be hanging out with bears! You could make bear friends, decorate your bear den, and do bear quests. I think it could be really fun.
I miss watching the bears on YouTube now that they are hibernating. I’ve been watching the Africams, which is also good, because it has lots of variety and I do like zebras, but sometimes when it’s day here, it’s night there, and that makes it less fun.
Also, winter has been brutal this year. It’s not even going to get up to sixty degrees today, so much like the bears, I’m hibernating until it warms up tomorrow.
I’m currently rereading Rhythm of War, because I felt it would be wise to do a total Cosmere reread before reading the new Mistborn book or Tress. I do think it was wise, because I am picking up on a lot of details that I missed the first time through. Sadly, Venli is still the worst narrator.
I hope everyone is ready for my book release. It could happen any day now. I really need to set a definite date and promote it as hard as I can, but at least whenever it does come out, it won’t have any wonky font issues. People don’t like that sort of thing, you know.
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