Sometimes I can’t quite tell if what I need is a coffee or a nap. The two aren’t mutually exclusive for me. I’d like to tell you that if I drink a coffee, it’ll keep me up, but that’s not true. I can sleep with coffee or without. Staying awake is the tricky part.
Sometimes I envy the bears, because they get to sleep the entire winter. I think I’d like that. I’d be good at it. I hate cold weather and winter this year has been brutal. We didn’t turn on the heater last night and when I woke up this morning, it was sixty-eight degrees inside my house.
I managed to drag myself out of bed anyway (#brave). I would really prefer for the weather to never ever be below seventy degrees. I don’t think that’s so unreasonable.
Sometimes I envy the cat, because she always looks so comfortable and content with herself. She’ll find the most comfortable places to nap and make it look cozy, but only if you are cat-sized. Of course, at the moment, the cat is chewing on her foot, which I do not envy. I could chew on my foot if I wanted to, but I choose not to. That’s humanity for you.
I’ve been playing Dreamlight Valley lately, and it is quite enjoyable. I have lots of cute Disney outfits and my valley is looking better and better and I’m becoming best friends with all the characters and I go on quests and get lots of accomplishments. As a matter of fact, I’d like to play right now.
I’m going to resist though. It’s important to be productive during work hours and I’m still struggling to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. My kids having standardized tests this week doesn’t help. It completely throws our schedules off.
If I was in charge of schools, I would eliminate standardized tests and homework. (I’m not running for school board, so it’s not campaign promises.) I just think learning should be interesting and engaging. Sometimes it feels like school does everything it can to make learning a chore and not a delight.
Speaking of things that are not a delight—my husband keeps talking about wanting to get a Soundbar or a sound system for the television. I don’t get it, because the tv makes it’s own sound and it sounds fine and I cannot see any value whatsoever in spending all this money to complicate our tv life. Plus, there’s no room on the tv stand. So…
I had found a great resource online to help me know how to TikTok, but they haven’t updated themselves since December 19th. I really hope they start updating it again soon, because I get so many more views when I use their trending ideas.
I’m still working on everything else. It really doesn’t feel like I’m making much progress most days, but I guess I’ll get there eventually. We’ll see.
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