I don’t like to brag, but I’ve been to Branson. Yes, that Branson! Everyone try to contain your jealously. With a bit of effort, perhaps someday, you too might make it to Branson!

Of course, I cannot take full credit for having been to Branson. I was a child at the time, and my parents were mostly responsible for my brush with greatness. That trip to Branson is probably my second favorite vacation we ever took. (First was Disney World. I have a Disney problem.)

Perhaps you’re thinking to yourself—why? What’s so great about Branson? Well, I’ll tell you. (Once again, I don’t like to brag, but it seems unavoidable today.)

While in Branson, we went to see a dinner theater show of Pump Boys and Dinettes. And it was amazing. It doubt I’ve ever properly expressed to anyone how much I loved going to see that show. The food was great, but the show was really what did it for me. I loved the songs and the dancing and the story.

We bought a copy of the soundtrack after the show…I can’t remember now if it was on CD or cassette tape. Either way…I’m old. But the interesting thing is that when we listened to the album we bought, it quickly became apparent that we had seen a family friendly version of the show.

One track in particular, I distinctly remember being called Dancing Shoes during the performance, but on the recording we bought, it was Drinking Shoes. Very similar, yet slightly also kind of different.

I don’t know why they didn’t just always have Dancing Shoes. Dancing is good. Dancing is universal. Drinking…I don’t know. I suppose some people really love drinking, but I’ve never understood the appeal. In my experience, drinking just makes you stupider, and I feel like my regular level of stupid is sufficient without adding any extra. Plus, if you drink too much, it makes you barfy. I’d pick dancing every time!

I’ve been listening to the Pump Boys and Dinettes album on youtube these past few weeks. It has a ton of nostalgia for me. Plus, that one song, Vacation—I feel that. Sometimes there is no one’s face I like. Sometimes I long to do something different, somewhere else. Sometimes, Uncle Bob can get his own pie.

And you never know…someday, if writing never pans out, I can always move to Branson and become a professional bass player. It’s important to have a backup plan.

Anyway, back to my writing, which is technically the point of this website. Personal life has been a bit busy last week, and will likely be busy this week. I did get a first look at my cover for Somewhat Alive. It looks great. It’s like…just what I wanted, only with some extra details that I didn’t know I wanted. I can’t wait to share it with the world.

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