I’ve had a weird week. It’s been oddly unproductive, yet also flying by way too quickly. In fact, it’s nearly over, and I’ve gotten very little done.

The dishwasher is broken, for one thing. I spent some time trying to fix it and concluded that it was beyond my skill to heal. It needs Elvish help. I scheduled a repair for Monday, but in the meantime, I’m washing dishes by hand like it’s 1889.

And if we’re being honest, I suspect my house has hard water that’s shortening the life of all my appliances and causing corrosion and build-up and whatever else hard water may cause. Several of our neighbors have water softening systems and say it’s great. And the internet assures me that a water softening system does increase the value of your house.

I just have always suspected that water softening is a scam. The water feels fine. How do we know it is bad water, other than good water salespeople telling us it is? Plus, I believe for the cost of a good system, I could probably pay for another cruise, and cruises sound a lot more fun than upgraded water.

I don’t know. I’m kind of stalled out on the writing right now, too. Somewhat Alive is eligible to be released as an ebook, but the next steps feel tricky, and somehow when it’s time to sit down and actually do them, I find myself instead thinking about doing them, but not actually pulling the trigger.

I’m shocked at the pricing of ISBNs. And a bit annoyed at how I can only buy them from Bowker and only in sets of 1, 10, 100, or 1000. I probably just need a set of 10 for now, but I wish the sliding price scale was not so extreme.

I haven’t posted on Instagram in awhile now, which is too bad. To some extent, I worry that most of my Instagram followers are bots who are trying to scam me. I just keep getting weird DMs from these people, and while it’s easy enough to ignore them, it makes me wonder if my target audience is even still on Instagram.

Sometimes I think what keeps happening is that I consider posting on Instagram, but then consider that TikTok is by far the more popular platform and I ought to be posting on there, but making videos and sounds feels really hard and I end up spending way too much time watching TikToks for “research”, which I think we all know is not actually that useful.

Also, I’ve been slightly disturbed to see that everyone on TikTok seems to be suddenly and strongly against oat milk, which is alarming, because I love oat milk and it’s my favorite of all milk substitutes. I don’t actually know what everything thinks is wrong with oat milk, and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.

But it’s not all bad, because it is Fat Bear Week, and I love bears. You see, you can vote for which bear you think is the fattest and the fattest bear wins. I’m still on the fence as far as who I want to win, but my favorites are probably Otis, 901, 164, and 747. I don’t know why some bears get a name and others only get a number. I wish they all had real names.

If you get a chance to watch the YouTube video of Otis eating 42 fish in one sitting, I highly recommend it. It’s very impressive.

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