Guys! It’s National Bad Poetry Day! This day is very special to me, because when it comes to bad poetry, no one writes like me!
I think in honor of the day, I’m going to need to compose a new, original bad poem. In case you didn’t know, pretty much all my poems are exclusively about animals, most often cats, but sometimes others, depending on how I feel. You know, feelings are very important in poetry.
A Trusted Companion
Of all of the animals the cat is the best
I know this because a cat told me
She said cats are better than all the rest
And you know cats are honest—mostly
Except when they want you to feed them
or offer a fancier spot to barf
And except when you’ve already fed them
but they hopes you believe they are starved
But a cat can be trusted—mostly
They generally do tell the truth
They don’t lie to spare your feelings
They don’t care if you think they’re aloof
Does this make them the best animal?
I don’t really know if they are
But my cat is convinced she’s the greatest
And I’m not going to call her a liar
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