This week has been so busy! It’s Thursday today, and it’s the first day all week that I’ve had time to sit down and write anything. Part of it is to be expected, considering that school is starting up soon. Schools always want so many forms and phone calls and details.
I try very hard to stay organized and on top of school things. It’s something I do pretty well at, as a mother. I’m definitely weak on sports and outdoorsy things, so I figure, if nothing else, my kids don’t have to worry about whether or not I’ve filed their paperwork on time.
I’m probably going to buy tickets to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party this weekend, after I read a couple reviews and make sure they didn’t ruin it. Lately it feels like Disney is doing their best to ruin all of their stuff.
I’m reminded of that one scene in Gilmore Girls where Lorelei wishes she had a cream pie to throw in Jess’s face and later again in Luke’s. Wow, two pies.
But that’s sort of how I’m feeling toward Disney lately. I very seldom feel the urge to pie anyone, but I would very much like to throw a pie in their face. Maybe mostly Chapek, cause it feels like it’s all his fault, but I don’t know. They’re all going along with it. I probably need at least two pies.
Always with the charging more and then giving you less and the crowds and the Genie+ and the waking up at 7am every day and the fighting with the masses to book anything at all…I’m just kind of over it.
And it does make me sad, because I’ve loved going to Disney World for years, ever since my first trip when I was five. And I want to keep going…just I want them to quit being stupid. And I want everyone else to quit going, because the crowds ruin it.
Of course, I’m probably still going to go to the Halloween party. I haven’t gone since before The Covid, and it really is one of my favorite things in the world to do. I love trick or treating, and all the costumes and decorations, and seeing the Boo-To-You parade, and of course, the Headless Horseman.
I actually wrote a pretty good song about Disney once. It’s called I Wish I Didn’t Love You, But I Do. Maybe I can quit though. We’ll see.
It seems I’ve written an awfully long post here, while mentioning absolutely nothing about writing. I still write things. Just so you know. In fact, I’m probably going to go now and see if I can get a Somewhat Alive episode posted on Kindle Vella.
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