There’s a lot of really good feelings out there. I love how it feels when you’ve been out of town for two weeks and then you come home and the cat sits with you and purrs. Also when you tumble into your own bed with your freshly washed sheets that Past You thoughtfully remade the bed with before you left and everything is comfortable and homey.

I also like how it feels when you’re playing tennis and it seems like every shot you take flies right over the net with ease. And maybe the sun is behind some trees that day, so it’s not that hot. Maybe even a bird flies over your head while you play, or maybe a delightful dog comes running up to the court with a huge smile on his face, as if to say he’d like to play tennis too.

I also love the feeling of going into a used bookstore and riffling through all the shelves until you come across exactly the right book you’ve been needing to add to your collection and it’s in great condition and it’s cheap and you buy it and shelf it with the others and it feels so satisfying.

Of course, the best feeling could be when you first embark on a cruise and the ship sails off, leaving land and responsibilities behind and all you have to do for the next however many days is to relax and have fun. You feel the salty breeze on your face and smell the veggie burger grilling over by the pool deck and maybe hear some rowdy kids having too much fun, but it’s not your kids, who are behaving like little gentlemen, so you can ignore the other kids smugly, thinking to yourself that you have the good kids.

My cat would like for me to add here that the best feeling in the world is actually when you are napping in the sunlight and then you thinks you maybe hear a can opening, so you hurry over to your food bowl and it was a can opening and a human places an entire can of Mariner’s Delight into your bowl, even though you just ate a few seconds ago, and now you gets to eat again!

My cat uses imperfect grammar, you know. She’s very feline like that.

I experienced a new best feeling this week. My book actually earned some money during the month of June! Not a lot, of course, but still. I actually got paid for a story that I wrote and posted (#brave). I’ve earned money as a writer before, but always as a ghostwriter or editor. Never for my own creation. Until now. It’s exciting. And makes me feel like…it’s going to work. All the time and effort I put into my writing career will not be a waste. Probably. Hopefully. We’ll see!

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