I like holiday weekends, but it always feels harder to get my head in the game afterward. I’m realizing just how much I enjoy routine. I wish I didn’t, because I’d prefer to enjoy big adventures and spontaneity. Of course, I don’t mind a little spontaneity, as long as it’s carefully planned in advance and nothing happens that you didn’t anticipate.
The rhythm of the days turning into weeks turning into months and years…it makes a beautiful pattern. And it helps that I like most of the things I do throughout a normal day. Not all of it, of course, but it’s really not bad.
I like having a lot of my afternoons free for writing and I like knocking out all of the unpleasant tasks in the morning. That way, once you get through the morning, the rest of the day is mostly things you really want to do.
Yesterday we decided to opt out of going physically to see fireworks. I know we probably should go, it’s just that we don’t want to. It always feels like such a pain to stake out a spot and wait for hours and then watch a twenty minute show and then sit in traffic for an hour trying to get home.
We do see a lot of fireworks at Disney World and most of the time, I’m going to like Disney fireworks better anyway. Plus at Disney World, I know what I’m doing. With local fireworks, I don’t necessarily know the best way to avoid crowds and make it not be miserable.
But yesterday, we just stayed home and played Kung Fu Pinata and Minecraft and made snow cones. It was fun and we didn’t even have to fight traffic afterward.
Also, my cat HATES fireworks. She was on edge the entire night, once the neighbors started in with the fireworks. I can see that it might be fun to set off your own fireworks, but I value my fingers way too much for that sort of thing.
Plus, the cat would never forgive me. She’s still holding a grudge from the time my husband sneezed too loudly a couple months ago. Cats always favor the quiet. And luckily, I’m a pretty quiet person, except for when I play songs loudly on my bass guitar. But it’s okay cause the cat blames the amp, not me.
Guys, I’ve got a really good amp. Like, ground-shaking, concert-venue-sized amp. It sounds amazing.
Of course, I keep the volume very low, so I don’t annoy the neighbors. Or the cat. Both are temperamental.
Well, I’m gonna do an Instagram post now (#brave) and then post another episode of Somewhat Alive and then work on some editing. Or might just go have a coffee and get nothing done. We’ll see.
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