You should probably know that I hate most sports. Or perhaps I just feel an intense, burning indifference. It’s just that they don’t even try to make themselves entertaining.

Everyone on the team wears the same thing! Imagine if each position had a different costume. You know, like quarter backs could always wear one style and kicker guys could wear something else. You could tell at a glance what position every player is playing. Plus it’d add a ton of visual interest.

I also feel sports are severely lacking in storylines. It’s like they’re not even trying to tell a good story! I’d like to see a team that cheats when the refs aren’t looking or maybe a player who spontaneously decides to switch teams halfway through the match. Imagine the drama when that player helps score the winning point, and everyone is shocked and horrified, and then the traitor can rip off his jersey and show that he has the other team’s costume on underneath!

That’s the sort of moment that’s severely absent in sports these days.

I’d also like to see more interviews with the players, so you feel like you know the characters and all of their alliances and so on. And everyone needs more catchphrases, for sure. What’s an athlete without a good catchphrase?

Anyway, back to writing. These are supposed to be writing thoughts, after all. I’ve been getting into a pretty good rhythm of writing in the afternoons, which is nice because I like routines. It’s easier if you never have to ask yourself what you should do now, but you already have a plan.

I’ve been trying to post more regularly on my Instagram. I don’t know why social media always feels like such a headache. Writers just want to write. We don’t want to tweet or post or anything. It’s all good until I finish writing a book and suddenly I want readers. Then it gets more complicated.

I’ve been thinking about trying to write a little novella to give away free on my website that would be set in the Somewhat Alive world, but I’d have to write it first, and then I’d have to figure out how to get it to people. I know other authors manage to do it, so I’m sure I can figure it out. Probably.

Of course, I have to write it first. I do have an idea for it, but in order for anyone to be even remotely interested, I’d need more of Somewhat Alive to be published.

I’ll get there eventually. Probably.

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