I’ve come to really hate airplane travel. This is unfortunate, because I also really love traveling and want to see everything and go everywhere. I suppose I could always do it Around the World in 80 Days-style. Trains, boats, sledges, and the occasional elephant. It’d be great.
Lately, whenever I fly, my ears feel horrible. They never pop and just hurt until we land, and then they feel stuffed and awful for a day or so. And yes—I’ve tried chewing gum. I’ve tried pretty much everything the internet recommends for this sort of ailment, except of course for seeing an actual doctor about it. It just sounds so frivolous to bother a doctor with.
But aside from that, I’ve been very disenchanted with airlines delaying and canceling flights lately. I know there’s a lot of factors, but when you buy a ticket on a flight, you kinda need it to get you there when it says it will. My husband recently got stranded overnight in NYC, which would have been fine if we were together, but we were not, so it was miserable.
We’ve been re-watching Lost with our kids. We decided they are probably old enough. It’s probably fine. No one warned me about how much of parenting would involve telling yourself that it’s probably fine.
But Lost doesn’t really make airplane travel look very appealing either. I remember back when I first watched the show and saw the pilot episode that I thought it had too much plane crashes for me, but once they start more of the island plot, I love it.
One thing I love about Lost is the characters. The plot may get a little bit iffy, but so many of the characters are phenomenal. I love how in each episode, the backstory ties in to the choices the character is making now. When you see where the character has been, you understand why they are this way now. And that’s fascinating.
It sort of makes you wonder about people’s backstories in real life. People probably have a reason for being like they are and you just usually never know it.
I’m working on posting my fifth chapter of Somewhat Alive on Kindle Vella. I haven’t done much as far as promoting it yet, and I have my doubts about whether or not many people are actually reading on the platform. I suppose it doesn’t really matter. It’s just part of the process of getting used to publishing and promoting my writing.
I just hope somebody reads it. At some point.
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