My kids are at Surf Camp this week, which I think is really cool. When I was a teenager, I always wanted to learn how to surf, but sadly, we lived in the wrong part of Florida for that. But you never know. If my kids get good enough, I can get them to teach me how to surf.

Are middle-aged people likely to kill themselves trying to surf? Asking for a friend…

Of course, it has to be safer than skiing, right? I did nearly kill myself skiing when I was eighteen. I didn’t really know what I was doing or how to ski safely, but I really wanted to ride the chair lift.

And to be fair, the ride going up was fantastic. Going down was exciting, but I did think there was a good chance of death. I lacked the skills to go back and forth to slow myself down, so I went fast. And sometimes fell and skidded down the mountain for a bit. I dropped my ski pole, so it was difficult to stop.

I’d probably still be stuck up that mountain, if a kind skier-by hadn’t retrieved my pole and stuck it right back in my had, enabling me to get up and continue down on my path of doom.

I didn’t even break a bone. It was a miracle.

I’ve got my Kindle Vella story all set up and all that’s left to do now is to publish my first chapter and see how it goes. I keep telling myself that most likely no one will read it anyway.

It’s tricky, because I definitely want people to read it, but only if they like it. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if someone will like a book without letting them actually read it.

Remember a million years ago, when everyone was still watching American Idol? They’d have the audition episodes and there’d always be these singers who were just awful and could not carry a tune at all and they’d put them on television so the whole country could laugh at those pathetic souls who imagined they were good enough to become pop stars.

It just popped in my head suddenly. No reason.

Anyway, I’m gonna do it. I probably have time today, especially with the kids off surfing all day. Really, publishing the first few chapters seems easy. It’s the promoting of it that feels hard. I also wonder if I ought to wait until I have more of a social media following or a better designed website.

But I doubt if I’d ever really feel ready or like my platform is sufficient at all. I suspect it’s the sort of thing where you could always have more followers and a better website. And I can’t wait forever until I feel like everything is good enough.

It’s like waiting until the house is spotless to have friends over. At some point, you just have to figure it’s clean enough and if they are really your friends, they won’t go poking around underneath the refrigerator or between the couch cushions.

If you ever come over to my house, you’ll know where not to look…

Okay, I’m gonna go work on posting my Kindle Vella story now. No more waiting.

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