It’s been quite the long week here. Sickness took precedence over everything else. It sort of worked out because we were able to binge all of Stranger Things 4, which was amazing. Sometimes Stranger Things makes me feel oddly wistful for the eighties. I wasn’t very old in the eighties, but everything feels very familiar, just like it used to be when I was a kid.

But I’m hopeful things are picking up now. I got a new productivity app, which really shouldn’t be that exciting, but totally is. It’s great because it’s got a beautiful interface and tons of functionality and it’s free! It has a pro version, but even that is a one time fee and not a monthly commitment for life kind of fee.

All these subscription services kill me. Like, I get that it’s the most profitable for the company, and it’s not that bad if you only have one or two subscriptions, but they do add up and if you’re not careful, you end up spending a lot of money subscribing to this or that. I miss the good old days, when apps were only like…three dollars and you owned it for life.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go stand on my porch and shake my fists and yell at everyone to stay off my lawn. As old people do.

Before we were struck with the plague, my kids and I repainted our mural wall to be summer themed. I don’t like to brag, but this is probably the greatest mural wall we’ve ever painted. I love art and painting and I never let my lack of talent or ability stop me.

Interestingly, the only class I struggled with in school aside from PE was always art. I always tried and I enjoyed the class, but my teachers were always giving me low grades just because my projects weren’t very good.

I’m over it, by the way. Totally not still bitter about getting a D on my elephant painting in tenth grade or a C on my sculpture in third grade. I barely even think about it any more.

Actually, the thing with the sculpture was really not my fault, since I only sculpted an inanimate object because I had just read Claudia and the New Girl. Anyone would have done the same.

At any rate, I’m hoping to have a very productive summer. Anything is possible now, because I have my productivity app. I’m going to try to work everyday on all of my writing projects and see what sort of progress I can make on all of them. It’s going to be a good summer.

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