Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do. I’m lucky in a lot of ways, because many days, I do have the freedom to decide what is most important to do. But then the decision-fatigue sets in and before I know it, instead of doing something good, I’m taking a nap.

It’s been a hard week because I’ve had to get up early three days in a row. And if you are thinking to yourself that that’s not many and most people wake up early every day, let me just remind you that I’m a wimp, so it’s much more difficult for me.

Also, I’m out of oat milk, so things are getting pretty serious around here.

We’ve also been hitting Stranger Things pretty hard this week. With season 4 dropping at the end of the month, we need to make sure we’re ready to drop everything and watch it as fast as we can.

We were talking today about what is most important in tv shows and movies. And I think for me, if it’s a tv show, the most important thing is if the characters start to feel like old friends. Characters often feel real for me. It’s a occupational hazard of writing.

But for movies, the most important thing to me is that it’s funny. I hate movies that are sad or serious or worst of all, heartwarming. I don’t want to feel, I just want to laugh. And it doesn’t matter as much if the characters feel like friends, because I’m only going to get this one little movie with them.

Stranger Things is nice because I love all the characters, but it’s also funny at times. I think all shows need humor in order to be fun. And really, why are we watching anything if not for fun?

I’m still working out how to redesign the website and picking a good cover picture for Somewhat Alive on Kindle Vella. I really haven’t gotten much done for like…I don’t know, the past month or so? It’s hard when I feel unproductive. I like to feel like I’m working hard and making progress.

Which I usually am, just sometimes my progress isn’t in the areas I would like. Oh well.

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