I’ve never understood people who don’t love math. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but it always seems like it’s just not that bad. People hate math and fail math, but I think math really doesn’t deserve all that.
The nice thing about math is that it’s mostly all just formulas. If you know the formula, you can solve it. And every answer is either right or not. You can even prove whether or not it’s right just by checking your work! You can’t do that in Language Arts.
I love Language Arts, too, of course. It’s beautiful in it’s own way. But not nearly as simple and straightforward as math.
Sure, there may be a lot of steps involved in solving math problems and there may come a time in advanced college math where the work becomes too difficult. But it is not this day!
I actually took math through Calculus II in college. It was fine. It was around that time that I became more interested in History, Chemistry, Spanish, and Music, so I never really pursued math much beyond that.
Actually, fun story—when I was a freshman in college, I got stuck taking math at 8:00 in the morning. I know. Amateur mistake, but it was the only time it was offered. If you’re ever signing up for college classes and you think, one early class won’t be so bad, that’s the voice of the enemy. Don’t listen to it.
But anyway, I was young and stupid and thought maybe it won’t be so bad. A few weeks into the semester, we were having our first exam of the year, and my first college exam ever, so I woke up, ate a protein bar, and went to class confidently, fully studied and ready to ace it.
About halfway through taking the test, I began to feel incredibly nauseous and I told myself I was not going to throw up in the middle of the exam, but I lied. Luckily, I made it out of the building just in time and threw up right on the sidewalk. (I was aiming for the bushes, but…you know. It was early.)
And then I went back into the classroom, finished my exam, and got an A. I never figured out for sure if it was the early morning or the protein bar or the nerves of taking my first college exam. Perhaps it was the perfect storm.
At any rate, for the rest of my college career, that little patch of sidewalk remained stained and only I knew why.
And to this day, I still cannot stomach protein bars or early mornings.
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