Well, I’m back. The two cruises actually happened, believe it or not. I kinda had my doubts it would actually work. It’d been so many years since I’d been on a cruise that it just seemed more likely that it would be canceled or we’d have the covid or something.
But nothing happened. We went on our two cruises and both were amazing. I probably had a slightly better time on the Disney cruise, if we’re being honest, but that may just be because ice skating and laser tag were closed on Royal Caribbean. Due to the covid. Somehow.
It really kinda bugs me when companies don’t offer certain things and blame it on the covid when there’s absolutely no logical reason why the covid would be affecting it even the slightest. It’s like they think they can just blame any thing on it and there’s nothing anyone can say about it. Which I guess is true, just kind of annoying.
I don’t currently have a cruise booked. It’s very sad.
But now, I can refocus on my writing career. I’m still working on editing The Fiercest Chicken. I have a lot of ideas on how to improve it and make it a better book. I have mixed feelings about the genre, which is YA Romance. Like most YA Romance, it’s far-fetched, fluffy, and familiar, the sort of book that you enjoy reading, but are a little embarrassed to admit you’ve actually read.
I wonder if it’s more or less embarrassing to admit you’ve actually written one of those books.
Of course, it doesn’t really matter, because I have written one of those books, so I may as well edit it up and see if I can get any traction with querying it. At least it should be easier to query than Somewhat Alive. Fun, wholesome zombie book is apparently a tough sell.
I do think anyone who actually reads Somewhat Alive would like it. It’s just not easily explainable unless you give it a chance. But maybe I can get an agent with The Fiercest Chicken which makes immediate sense to anyone hearing the plot. And once I get the agent, then we just need a publisher, and then we just need readers.
It’s really only three things, when you think about it. Easy.
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