One week from today, if all goes well and nothing goes poorly, (both big ifs at this point) then we will be sailing away on a cruise. I wish there was a way to skip over all the pre-travel stress. It’s kind of difficult enough to manage packing, cleaning, and making sure my kids are caught up on school work without tossing in the added pressure of wondering whether or not we have the covid.

We probably don’t. We all feel well. It’s just…nothing ruins cruises like the covid.

Sometimes I find “Surface Pressure” from Encanto entirely too relatable. And I don’t even have any sisters. And I’m really not that strong. I just feel it sometimes. Drip, drip, drip and it never stops.

We need a vacation so badly.

While I should be occupied today with cleaning, packing, and schoolwork, I’m also overcome by the unbearable urge to buy curtains for some bedrooms upstairs. I don’t know why. It just feels urgent.

Are shiny, glittery golden curtains covering in sequins considered tacky? Asking for a friend…

My favorite part of cruising is probably the ice skating. We like to go ice skating every night after dinner. It’s a bit more challenging on a cruise, because you can kind of feel the ship rocking a bit and you have to be aware in order to maintain balance.

I also enjoy not doing any dishes or cooking or checking emails or anything. It’s so relaxing. There’s nothing I have to do or anything I have to worry about. It’s like for those days when we’re at sea, the dripping of pressure does stop. And it’s heavenly.

I just have to clean the house, pack, and cajole the kids into doing their schoolwork to get there. Easy.

And also curtains. Very inexplicably suddenly important.

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