I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. I used to, but my own natural inclination is to be very aware of the parts of me that need improving at all times. Resolutions don’t really help, if you’re already trying as hard as you can to spend less money, lose more weight, eat healthier, socialize more, write more, be fitter, spend more time with family, be a better mom, dress more stylishly, be more patient, be more outgoing, practice bass more, write more songs, cook better dinners, spend more time sitting with your cat, waste less time on the internet, keep the house cleaner, read more serious books, spend less time playing Stardew Valley, etc.

It stresses me out just thinking about it. So I don’t do it. I find it’s better to just look at where I was then and look at where I am now. And to be grateful. Because the truth is, I can resolve to fix myself all day long, but I don’t actually have the power to do it. And I’m okay with that.

Only two more days left of 2021. It’s really been a pretty good year for me. Overall, much less death and sickness in general than the past two years.

Writing-wise, this year has been huge for me. I finished my first ever novel, Somewhat Alive. It’s the first novel of mine that I thought was good enough to be worth editing and revising and perfecting. I also let several friends and family members read it (#brave).

I got my own website set up, along with writing Twitter and Pinterest accounts. I participated in two Twitter pitch contests and got likes from two small publishers. I queried fourteen agents (#brave), and while none of them responded favorably, it’s still good experience for learning how the industry works.

On a personal level, this year has been better. It feels like we’re finally climbing out of the valley that 2019 tossed us into. We found a place we belong, and they’ve embraced us more than I would have dared to hope. We’ve rediscovered the importance of rest and taking a break from the internet. My kids are transitioning from kids to teenagers, and while that’s rocky, uncharted terrain at times, it’s progress, nonetheless.

It’s been a good year. And I can’t wait to see where 2022 will take us.

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