Sometimes I wonder if I’m the sort of person to ask why or the sort of person to ask why not. I’m probably actually the sort of person who’s too busy juggling a family, building a career, and keeping the house from a state of disaster to ask either question.
We’ve set a lofty goal for this week—rewatching all the Harry Potter movies so that come New Year’s Day, we’re all set to watch the reunion show. I love Harry Potter. (I’m a Ravenclaw, in case you were wondering. You were wondering, right?)
Much like Harry Potter, I could have been great in Slytherin, but I choose to not use my abilities for evil, so Ravenclaw it is. After all, it is our choices, not our abilities that make us who we are.
I think the best Harry Potter movie is probably the Prisoner of Azkaban, but I also enjoy the Deathly Hallows. I like things that end with everyone mostly happy, and it’s always satisfying to see Voldemort lose.
The Goblet of Fire always is the creepiest to me. That whole graveyard scene is just…horrifying. Especially when Wormtail cuts off his hand. And then when Harry brings Cedric’s body back and the happy music is playing…it’s probably the most disturbing part of all the movies to me.
Luckily, we watched Goblet of Fire last night, so it’s smooth sailing from here on out.
Sometimes I worry that my own writing is too…light. If I was writing Harry Potter, I don’t think I could have killed off anyone. Or maybe just death eaters, I can do without them. Although I suppose I managed to kill off a few people in Somewhat Alive. It’s probably different because I knew going in to it that they weren’t going to make it. Actually, there was one character I had planned to kill, but I didn’t have the heart to go through with it. Maybe in book two.
We go to Universal Studios fairly often and I love the Wizarding World. All of Universal is magical, but probably the Wizarding World is most magical. I like to wear my wizard robes and bring my wand to do some magic and we usually get Frozen Butterbeer at least once each trip.
It’s cool how much they made the Wizarding World look just like the movies. And how they made the movies to look just how I imagined them in the books. I always read the book first. It’s one of my core values.
Why, you might ask? Well, to that I say, why not.
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