Sometimes I wonder if I ought to be writing more about writing things here, rather than whatever crazy thoughts flit through my head. Of course, this section is called Thoughts, which implies that all thoughts are welcome, regardless of quality.

I probably should put a disclaimer on the website. Quality of Thoughts may vary. General interest not guaranteed.

Just a few more days till Christmas. I’m looking forward to it and also going to be glad when it’s over and everything goes back to normal. I like normal. It’s comfortable.

We’re making gingerbread houses this afternoon. Yesterday, we painted the winter mural on the mural wall. Sometimes I feel like Bilbo. After all, why not? Why shouldn’t I paint murals on every wall of my house? Rapunzel did it. And our current paint has such a lousy finish that every smudge shows anyway. Is my artistic paintings really any worse than smudgy, oatmeal colored walls?

It probably is worse, but also, I might do it anyway.

It’s funny, art is one of those things for which I know I have very little talent, but I really love doing it. Yesterday, I envisioned painting beautiful snowy mountains with a lovely sunset in behind them, but I misjudged the colors, so the sky looks dark and red behind the mountains, kinda like Mordor. I wonder if it ever snows on Mount Doom.

Today, I’m going to try writing in the morning, and then doing other activities in the afternoon. Theoretically, it might work out well, although I did sleep later than I meant to, which makes the morning short. In fact, it’s nearly time for lunch.

Sometimes I wonder how Rapunzel manages to do all the chores and sweep till the floors are clean all before 7:15, but then I figure it’s probably easier to pull off if you basically live alone and don’t sleep till 9:15. I am well rested today. So, that’s something.

My cat is staring at me now. Like she knows it’s almost lunch time and I haven’t gotten much done and she dares me to delay lunch by even a millisecond. She loves eating more than anything else in the world. She used to weigh 22 lbs, when we first got her, but now she’s down to a svelte 12 lbs. It’s very inspirational, until she threatens to kill us if we don’t feed her immediately. Cats are great.

Okay, going to work on Fiercest Chicken now. I’m getting close to the ending. I can almost smell it. That or cat food. Not sure which.

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