I’ve had an idea for a new enterprise. I’m not sure if it would be a blog or social media account or what. Anything but TikTok, right?
But see, I do a lot of cooking. Between my preference for plant based foods and the unfortunate fact that gluten free foods are easier on some of my eaters, I end up modifying nearly all recipes.
It’s not that you can’t find recipes online that are vegan or gluten free or sometimes even both. But I’ve found that often the ones that are vegan and gluten free are made with unusual ingredients that I don’t typically keep stocked in the pantry.
Although perhaps I should. I suppose that would make it easier. But to be honest, I’ve always found flaxseed intimidating. I don’t know why. And maybe flaxseed is not at all intimidating once you get to know it. Just…I don’t quite trust it enough to let it in my kitchen.
If you’ve used flaxseed, do let me know how it is.
But, most of the time, I end up going for normal recipes and then adapting them to fit my own needs, switching out meat for tofu or tempeh, and switching flour for gluten free flour, and replacing eggs with avocado or applesauce. It doesn’t always work well, but it often does.
And that’s where my idea comes it. I could document my recipe experiments and show people what works and what doesn’t.
Of course, this is a terrible idea, primarily because I have no time to take on anything extra right now. Also, I really hate videos, which is probably the best medium for recipe adaptations. Plus the main idea is to cook for my family and not to become Internet famous or launch a new business.
But it is an idea. And I bet if it was done well, it could be successful. Just not the sort of thing I want to do. I’ve never liked recording videos or even watch videos. I can read it much faster than they can say it.
I suppose I’ll try to stick to the written word, where it’s comfortable. And flaxseed-free.
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