You ever have one of those days where you’re like, wow, I’m so glad it’s Friday, but then you realize it’s actually only Tuesday and you have to survive three more days still?
Yeah, me neither.
I do have those days where I wish I could just spend hours writing, but instead I have to work on pesky things like keeping the household running. It’s like I have all these things that I have to do and a whole lot of them I don’t even want to do.
They say you make time for what you value, which I suppose is true, but sometimes it feels like there just isn’t enough time.
Is anybody else ever haunted by that song from Hamilton where they’re like, why do you write like you’re running out of time? My husband says there’s no need to be haunted by it because Alexander Hamilton was only running out of time because he had to duel with Aaron Burr. Logically, I can see that my odds of dying by duel is slim, therefore the song shouldn’t be haunting.
Also, if I did end up in a duel, for whatever reason, I’m not gonna shoot into the air. I think that was bad advice. Even if it was gentlemanly.
Of course, also, I think I tend to let most offenses go unanswered. I’m just not the type to slap someone with my glove and demand satisfaction. I’m more the type to complain privately and then pretend it never happened. Which is much healthier than dueling. Probably.
You know, another truly haunting moment in Hamilton is when King George is singing and you can see all the spit flying out of his mouth as he sings. It’s really kinda gross, but also, somewhat in character, because…this is a guy you can imagine going mad after losing the colonies.
At any rate, I’m going to see if I can fit in fifteen minutes of working on the Fiercest Chicken before I need to start dinner. I suppose writing like you’re running out of time isn’t so bad, if it’s just because you need to cook and not because you need to duel.
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