Well, here we are, living in 2021, and yet we still have these dryers that won’t even fold the clothes for me. I don’t understand why this isn’t a higher priority. I know we have the technology, with everything else we can make machines to do.
Why are we still folding laundry by hand? If someone could get going on that, I’d really appreciate it. I hate folding laundry. And I hate switching laundry over from the washer to the dryer, but at least that doesn’t take as long. It’s more just a matter of remembering to do it.
I think the worst feeling is when you haven’t folded the laundry in so long that you’re totally out of clean clothes so every morning you have to do the walk of shame from the bedroom to the laundry room to get something clean to wear.
Wait…why don’t we have washers and dyers in our bedrooms? Wouldn’t that be so much more convenient? Especially if they had the models that folded the clothes for you. It could possibly even replace the dresser, because every morning, you could just grab whatever is first in the dryer. And maybe you could even program it to a warm setting so every morning you wake up and put on clothes that are warm and cozy straight from the dryer!
I think this idea has potential. If any appliance companies are reading this, feel free to steal my idea. Just maybe send me a prototype in appreciation. That’s all I ask.
In terms of writing news, there is no writing news.
I do, however, have several baskets of laundry piled up in the laundry room asking me to fold them, so I suppose I shall leave you here.
Also, does anybody else’s cat sleep almost exclusively on clean clothes? Never the dirty clothes. Why are cats like this?
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