I’ve been working on finishing up The Fiercest Chicken in the Bookstore. I actually made an outline for this one before I started writing. Yes, I know. It’s very impressive. I usually just start typing and let the story go wherever it wants to.

Interestingly, this is why I resisted adding any pets to Somewhat Alive. It’s very important to me that no beloved pets or even mildly annoying pets are harmed in my books. But having a cat or dog in the zombie apocalypse…well, I simply couldn’t guarantee their safety, so I left them out altogether. It’s safer that way.

But I had an outline for The Fiercest Chicken, which theoretically, should have made it easier to finish. But I kept feeling uneasy about it, like the ending I had planned wasn’t quite hitting right.

I’m still not over the ending of How I Met Your Mother, you know. Obviously, the series is showing it’s age a bit, but still. Ted and Robin are completely, totally, unequivocally, wrong for each other in almost every way. Maybe Ted has been in love with Robin for nine seasons, but she doesn’t like him. I’m not sure she ever really liked him at all, at least not romantically.

Robin and Barney, on the other hand, they make a lot of sense as a couple. They are a far better match than Ted and Robin could ever be.

And I know that the show makers had planned their ending from the very beginning, but as the series progressed, they should have reevaluated it. All they had to do was show a scene of Lily, Marshall, Ted, Tracy, Robin, and Barney sitting on the front porch. And it would have been so perfect.

I like things that end happily. And if I’m watching a sitcom, I don’t want it to be sad. It’s supposed to be funny, isn’t it? Tragic death, most of the time, just isn’t really that humorous. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know.

But one thing I try to do, when I’m writing, is to be aware of how things are progressing. And if what I had planned doesn’t feel right anymore, then I’m gonna try to come up with something that does feel right. Luckily, this weekend, as I took a break from writing, I think I finally figured out the ending to my book.

Now I just have to write it.

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