Now that it’s October, November and therefore NaNoWriMo is swiftly approaching. I usually do NaNoWriMo and I usually win. I know I can do it, because I’ve done it many times before.
But this year, I’m asking myself if it’s worth it. Because it is a big time investment and commitment. And to do it properly, it involves starting a brand new novel, which I am somewhat hesitant to do right now, because I already have some half finished novels from NaNoWriMos in the past.
Of course the biggest advantage of doing it is that I get a 50% off coupon code for the year for my Dabble subscription. I love Dabble for many reasons and I would be a bit sad to not use it any more. (The small voice in the back of my mind is whispering that we could pay full price for Dabble, but I’m ignoring that for now.)
It is also nice to get the bulk of a novel written in only a month. And it’s exciting to start new projects, to come up with new characters and plots and settings and see what will happen. But it’s also exciting to actually finish a full first draft and have something that can be edited and polished and possibly one day sold.
There are only so many hours in a day, and I want to use them wisely. So come November, what will be the best use of my time?